“ … weil Schifoan is des leiwaundste, wos ma sich nur vurstelln kann“. Von 5. bis 10. Februar 2023 verbrachten die zweiten und dritten Klassen der MS St. Michael den Schikurs in Kärnten am Klippitztörl.
Trotz der eisigen Kälte hatten die Schülerinnen und Schüler tolle Schitage, an denen das Können verbessert oder auch erst das Schifahren erlernt wurde. Auch das Abendprogramm bleibt den Kindern sicher in Erinnerung, denn ein Discoabend, eine Schishow und ein Spieleabend machten die Woche perfekt.
Vielen Dank an Herrn Unger für die reibungslose Organisation und unseren top Schilehrern Frau Kalchbrenner, Frau Maurer und Herrn Osztovits für die unvergessliche Woche!
Zimski športski tajedan u Klippitztörlu
5. februara smo se drugi i treći razredi sridnje škole odvezli autobusom na skijaški tečaj u Klippitztörl u Korušku.
Kad smo stigli, postavili smo kofere u sobu a zatim smo jili bečki odrezak i pomfrite. Onda smo si posudili šije i razgovarali o ponašanju na skijaški staza. Navečer smo još imali igru „lov na blago“. Po tim smo oblikovali plakate za naša vrata i imali slobodno vrime.
Od ponediljka do četvrtka smo bili cijeli dan na skijaškoj stazi i se šijali. Bili smo zadiljeni u tri grupe. Navečer smo se igrali igre, imali smo u disko-večer i pogledali smo si jako zanimljivu skijašku predstavu.
U petak po ručenju smo se vratili domom. Onde smo dostali naše svidodžbe i smo se jako veselili na naše semestarske praznike.
Skijaški tečaj je bio jako lip i poučan.
Školarice i školari 3ka-razreda
Winter sports week in Klippitztörl
At the beginning of February the pupils of the 2nd and 3rd classes together with their teachers set off for a 6-day-skiing course to Klippitztörl in Carinthia.
We stayed at a youth hotel and had to drive to the ski area by bus every day. It took about 5 minutes. The food there was delicious and we slept in rooms for four. The weather was sunny but sometimes very cold. We were devided into three groups and enjoyed skiing on the well-groomed slopes.
In the evenings we did a lot of activities. We played different games, went to a ski show and one evening we were dancing in a disco. On Sunday we had a scavenger hunt about the rules of skiing on the slopes. That was instructive and funny at the same time.
Unfortunately the time passed very quickly. It was an amazing week for all of us and we really enjoyed our skiing course! We were very happy to spend such an enjoyable week together for the first time.
Students of the 3rd classes